Sunday, October 27, 2019

Figurative Language, Four-digit Division, and Formulating Narratives and Opinions!

I know, the blog title is long, but I needed to stay with the alliteration theme!  It's a shorter instructional week, with an Early Dismissal on Wednesday and Halloween on Thursday, but we are still working hard!  Here's what's going on this week in Room 32:

This week we get into everyone's favorite:  Long Division!  We will be exploring some new and familiar strategies to divide 2-digit divisors into 3 and 4-digit dividends!  The excitement starts tomorrow and will keep going all week.  We will take a brief pause on Thursday to explore some Halloween-themed math activities.  Look for homework Monday-Wednesday and Friday!  Here are the videos to support my teaching this week:

Social Studies
Last week we took a detour from our "normal" curriculum and explored a project focused around the celebration of Columbus Day.  We wrote persuasive letters, created an informational presentation, and even spoke to a class in Bogota, Colombia to learn their take on the holiday.  We will be presenting to a few school board members this week in our classroom to let them know what we've learned and advocate for a possible holiday name change!  

In addition to this "side project", we will take our learning from our Native American projects and create a historical-fiction narrative from the point of view of a member of our researched tribe.  Keep your eyes open for pictures on Twitter and writing samples to come home!

Language Arts
We will take a quiz over our "ject" words from last week and begin a new focus with words that include the root "sect", meaning "cut or split apart".  Look for at-home activities and study opportunities throughout the next two weeks.

This week we dive into the pool of Figurative Language!  We will use our class novel Crenshaw for many examples, as well as create personified versions of each type of figurative language in an epic role-playing activity!

Along with our Native American narratives and persuasive letters, we will be writing scripts and analyzing our daily morning writing journals!

Have a great week!  Remember that report cards come home on Wednesday along with the early dismissal (12:30).  We will have a Halloween party at 1:15 on Thursday and a parade following.  If you are curious about what id happening in our class on a daily basis, follow us on Twitter and stay updated through Class Dojo (The links are on this page!).

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